Somehow ninety days have passed since my time at the CLEAR Institute, and I have finished my first round of physical therapy. Doing cantilevers three to five times a day was difficult, but somehow I managed to get at least three in all but two of the days. On the weekends I did four, but only twice did I find time for five. Regardless, my hard work payed off, and my most recent xray shows my curve to be down to forty degrees.
I had the xray done at a local out patient center (although they can be done at a chiropractor, doctor's office, hospital, or even the CLEAR Institute itself). We got the films burned onto a disk and sent them to the CLEAR Institute for measurements.
My upper thoracic curve went from 52 to 40 degrees and all the rotated vertebrae were straightened out. I am back on my center of gravity, and I stand straighter than ever before.
I am slowly easing off the cantilever and now only do one or two exercises a day. I have my annual check up ninety days from now with my doctors at Children's Hospital, where I will get another xray. Hopefully my improvements will maintain and I can be done by summer!